Welcome to our site, Scrap Your Adventure. The use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions of use, as outlined on this page. If you have any questions then feel free to use the contact information on the contact us page to send us an email.
By using our site, Scrap Your Adventure, you are automatically agreeing to our privacy policy. For more details on this topic including use and misuse of information, cookie data, third party links and details on the information that we collect, as well as what we use it for and more, take a look at our privacy policy page.
All information on this website is copyright and may not be copied without prior written consent from the copyright owner. To request consent, please email the owner via the contact us page. We do use thumbnails of copyrighted images, which is considered fair use, for illustrative purposes to site visitors potentially interested in purchasing an item advertised for sale on this website.
This website uses a subtle texture background image from Toptal. As part of the CC BY-SA 3.0license, we acknowledge and give credit to them as the authors of this work. No changes have been made to the image outside of going through image compression software to reduce the size of the image.
All information on this website is provided as-is and without any guarantee. Due to changing market forces and other extenuating circumstances that affect product availability, and price stability we reserve the right to withdraw any product we advertise and change prices without notice. Information contained throughout the web pages and in our database is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publishing. There may be misprints, human errors, and omissions. We reserve the right to make changes and corrections in prices, products, and specifications without notice. Images displayed on this web site should be regarded as illustrative and informational purpose only. The actual products are often not identical to the images.